4 Benefits of Timber Floors


One of the puzzles you have to solve when doing your construction finishing is flooring. Whether it is a new building or a renovation, you will want to choose the most durable floor for your house. Timber has all the aspects of making a good floor and that is why it has gained quick popularity. Here are some of the benefits of timber floors:

1. Adds value to your home

Timber is a durable material and thus it can retain its natural beauty for an extended period of time. When you maintain it well, you will not have to suffer additional expenses of replacing it, especially if you need to sell the house at some point. Besides, many people prefer timber to the other types of flooring available, and thus the wood will act as a selling point for your home.

2. Wood is naturally beautiful

Wood has strong aesthetic qualities that make your home look classy and elegant. Additionally, the timber comes in different colours, textures and designs which provide a pool of choices to select the best for your interior decor. When you choose the best colour and purchase the best quality timber floors, the floor will blend well with the rest of your house. 

3. Maintenance and hygiene

Timber floors are resilient to dirt and liquid spills. The wood also dries much faster than carpets and the other types of flooring. Therefore, it becomes more comfortable to clean the liquids and food substances that fall on it. The resilient nature of the timber makes it hygienically better for homeowners with pets and children, as they will not have to deal with ticks, fleas and other allergens.

4. Wide choice

There are many types of quality woods that all provide beautiful selections for timber floors. The main types are mahogany, cypress, oak, pine, cherry and walnut. The different species are easy to install, but they vary in terms of cost, colour and their ability to sustain wear and tear. When looking for the ideal wood for your house, do some research which variety would meet your specific requirements. 

In addition to the above benefits, timber floors are affordable and eco-friendly. The decision to install wood is, therefore, an excellent investment for both residential and commercial properties. Research the best quality timber floors in the market and look for an expert to do installation for you for the best results.


27 October 2019

Choosing the Right Type of Flooring

Welcome to my blog, my name is Kate. My parents lived in a very old home which still had its original flooring. I loved the pattern of the Victorian bathroom floor tiles, the glow of the timber wood, and the smooth ceramic kitchen floor. I would spend many hours sitting on the floors, feeling the surface as I played with my toys. When I bought my own home, the first thing I installed was new flooring to re-create the wonder of my childhood. I have decided to start this blog to pass on my passion for flooring with the rest of the world.